Search Box Options Print

  • 78

This section of the general settings allows you to modify your search box options.
Shop Control Panel


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Search Box Options

The search box allows customers to search for items in the shopping cart.  You have the ability to turn this search box on or off.  You can also generate html code to place on your web pages that are not part of the shop (ex.

Display Categories In Search Box
Choose whether to display the categories in a separte box as part of the search.

Search Display Style
After the seach is completed, this option allows you to adjust how that display is viewed.  It can be set to either "Full Item Display" or just "Text Links". Full Item display is the default setting.  Text links include a link to the item and also a link to the item's category.

Show Searched Terms
Typically it is a good idea to show searched terms, but sometimes the Web Security Scan registers this as a problem.

Banned Searches
Banned Searches allow you make certain terms unsearchable.

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