Sales Tax / Locations Print

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This section of the general settings allows you to modify the locations you accept and the tax rates for those locations.
Sales Tax Rates
You are able to charge sales tax based on rates for a particular Country, State, County, or City.
   (click here for larger image)

The sales tax rate used will be based on the information you input into the shopping cart system on this page. The shopping cart will then check the customer's information for their City, County, State, and Country.  The shopping cart will use the "lowest common denominator" for the sales tax rate meaning if the customer's city matches a city put in below, it will use that tax rate for the customer's order. If the customer's city doesn't not match a city put it below, then the shopping cart will use the county tax rate. If the customer's county does not match put in below, then the shopping cart will use the state tax rate. If the customer's state does not match a state below, then it will use the country tax rate. If you do not enter a sales tax rate for a City or County, the system will use the state tax rate.

Let's say,

United States has a 0% sales tax.
California has a 8% sales tax.
Californians in San Diego pay 9% (1% for the county)
Californians in Vista pay 9.75% (.75% for the city)

You would enter:
Country Based Tax (USA)
Leave blank

State Based Tax
State: California
Tax Rate: 8%

County Based Tax
County: San Diego
Tax Rate: 9%
(note -- this will add an option for a customer to choose their county on the billing page)

City Based Tax
City: Vista
Tax Rate: 9.75%

Based on this information input into the system:
If a customer from Vista, CA orders they would pay 9.75% for sales tax.
If a customer from San Diego, CA orders they would pay 9% for sales tax.
If a customer from Sacramento, CA orders they would pay 8% sales tax.
If a customer from AZ orders they would pay 0% sales tax.



(click here for larger image)

Import State, County and City tax rates from CSV file
'Import tax rates from CSV' allows you to add tax rates for your state, county, or city faster than adding the rates one by one on this page. Click import to the left to navigate to the screen which allows you to import using a CSV file format. 

Country, State, County, City Based Tax
This is a good place to add tax rates for your country, state, county, or city. 
Country -- Select from the drop down bar
State -- Abbreviation, ex. AZ
County -- Enter the county name
City -- Enter the city name

'Tax Name' is the field that the customer will see on the checkout page next just to the left of the tax percentage.

'Tax Rate' is the field that determines the tax rate used. The customer will see this number on the checkout page. Enter this number as percentage.

Charge Tax Based On
None -- will not charge sales tax.
Billing Address -- will charge sales tax based on customer's billing address.
Shipping Address -- will charge sales tax based on customer's shipping address.
Billing or Shipping Address -- will charge sales tax based on customer's billing or shipping address, depending on which address has the indicated city, state, etc.


(click here for larger image) 


Location Settings
Location settings are important for what addresses you will accept at checkout.  These settings are based on what states & countries arer listed at the bottom of the Sales Tax / Locations page. 

Allow any valid country or state whether it is listed below or not.
This is a good option to accept orders worldwide.

Allow only countries and states that are listed below.
This is option allows you to specifically state which states and countries you prefer to sell to.

Allow only countries that are listed below, but any states within those countries
This option allows you to speficy the counties you would like to sell to without having to enter in the state/province information.


(click here for larger image)

Current Rates in the Shopping Cart

This part of the page lists all the sales tax settings that you have created, and it allows you to go though and edit any of your settings.  To update, enter the new information in the field provided such as Tax % (entered in the example is 7.75% tax for CA), and then click on Update to the right.  Currently, you are only have to edit the sales tax one at a time. 

The Shipping is Taxable field is not normally used for USA orders, but is often used in Canada.

The Parent Country/State/County is important to have correctly listed so that the customer will be charged the correct sales tax. 

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