Imported Packages

Additional Bandwidth

The additional bandwidth charge is for sites that do not need additional space but are using more than the specified package allotment.

Additional Gigabytes of Disk Storage

The additional bandwidth charge is for sites that do not need additional space but are using more than the specified package allotment.

Additional MySQL Database

This is an additional Database with your hosting. There is a blank database pre-installed on all sites. You may use this for the phpbb script, or you may use if other purposes. This is in addition to the free, pre-installed database.


no shopping cart



Dedicated IP address

Dedicated IP address for SL certs

Domain Alias / Domain Forwarding.
Platinum Plus Hosting Package

This Platinum Plus Hosting Package is for customers with established, large and very popular websites. This is a variable rate plan, meaning your price per month decreases as your term increases.

Reseller Flat Rate

This is an old reseller option we no longer offer.

Secure Certificate

Secure Certificate

Virtual Private Server 100 - 40+ Gigabytes of memory, 200 Gigabytes fast ssd hard drive space, Daily redundant backups, Server monitoring, and advanced email virus and spam filtering

Virtual Private Server capable of hosting 100 customers.

Virtual Private Server 50 - 30 Gigabytes of memory, 300 Gigabytes fast ssd hard drive space, Daily redundant backups, Server monitoring, and advanced email virus and spam filtering

Virtual Private Server capable of hosting 50 sites

VPS Server 250 50 Gigabytes of memory, 300 Gigabytes fast ssd hard drive space, Daily redundant backups, Server monitoring, and advanced email virus and spam filtering

Virtual Private Server capable of hosting 200 customers.

Web Design Service