Category Thumbnail HTML Print

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Category Thumbnail HTML allows you to pull items from your shopping cart into your actual website pages by category.
You can manage your Categories under Inventory>Manage Categories. If you currently do not have any categories, you can create categories and subcategories under Inventory>Manage Categories>Add Category.

Using the Category Thumbnail HTML page, you will be able to create HTML or SHTML code which can be used in your website programming code. This code will display items by category, and the options you select will change what the code displays.

Integration > Category Thumbnail HTML
Using the following steps, you will be able to generate code which can be used in your website programming code.

1. Select the Category you would like to pull the code for.
2. Choose the options you would like for columns, title, price display.
3. Choose whether you would like the thumbnail to link to the item page itself. Check the box if you would like the thumbnail to link to the full size image. Leave this box unchecked if you would like the thumbnail to link to the item page itself. If left unchecked the customer can still select to view the full size image on the item page itself.

4. Generate the code:

"Show Thumbnail Include Code" generates SHTML code which is generated dynamically by taking the current information from the shopping cart items. The advantage to using SHTML code is that it automatically updates your items and categories on your webpage as you update those items/categories in your shopping cart. This saves you time in having to update information in 2 different places.

"Show Thumbnail Html" generates standard HTML code which would need to be updated if your items change. The advantage to using standard HTML is that it does allow for additional customization of the look of the items. Typically this option is used by web designers who have had experience with manipulating HTML.

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